Hello, I’m Christopher Hagmann.
I’m a husband and father. When I’m not trying to solve the world’s problems one line of code at a time, I listen to audiobooks, play Dungeons and Dragons and board games.
Build custom API functionality for bespoke Auction web applications using Rails.
Implement features and bug fixes for custom legacy functionality.
Build custom greenfield web applications using Rails and JavaScript based on clients' requirements.
Implement features and bug fixes for custom legacy web applications using various versions of Ruby and Rails to continue meeting clients' needs.
Update custom legacy web applications using Rails and JavaScript to ensure application security and minimize technical debt.
Dedicated 12-weeks specializing in highly focused, immersive training centered on language fluency, object-oriented programming, and project based learning.
Created T-SQL extracts and stored procedures for a dimensional database and maintained serverside code written in Cache (MUMPS) to assist health care institutions with managing population health and measuring HEDIS™ outcomes.
Completed contract work for various health care institutions to assist their existing teams with Epic-specific reports.
Developed efficient Python code to find the optimal parameters of a simulation for the MindModeling@Home project using statistical methods and genetic algorithms.
Modeled optimal system designs in Python using stochastic disjunctive programming methods for warehouses in supply chain networks using third-party APIs.
Implemented a predictive model in Python for predicting the NCAA Tournament on a Debian Linux distribution.